Cash Advance Money Loans: A Comprehensive Overview
When unanticipated expenditures occur and you locate yourself short on cash money, cash advance money loans can offer an option. These temporary fundings are developed to personal [...]
Top 5 Restaurants in Brevard County
Florida's Fresh Grill 2039 N Atlantic Ave, Cocoa Beach, FL 32931-3312 Cuisine: Steakhouse, Seafood Ranked #1 on TripAdvisor! Florida’s Fresh Grill was founded on the basic principle [...]
Top 5 Local Activities to do this Time of Year
Brevard County provides many options to stay busy and outdoors in the beautiful sunshine state. From shopping to beach time, we are highlighting out top 5 favorite [...]
How to Identify Good Rental Investments
Looking to buy a rental property? Do you know the first things to look for? Learning how [...]
The How’s & What’s of Breaking a Lease
There comes a time in many renters’ lives when circumstances change and they want to break a [...]
Easy-to-Use Rental Owner and Resident Portals
Sandalwood Property Management provides easy to use portals for both the owner and the resident that can [...]
What Residents Can Do to Beautify Their Rental
In this advertising heavy world, we are bombarded with tons of home renovating shows, beautiful blogs and [...]
Jim Kealey Interview
Jim Kealey, is the Co-Founder and VP of Operations at Sandalwood Property Management. With 35 years of [...]
We have a new website!
Sandalwood Property Management has launched a new site to support new and current customers experts that want to [...]